Thrive (v) [ thrahyv ]
Forms: thriving, adj
Definition:to prosper; be fortunate or successful.
Sentence: The Hoover dam thrive the little city.
boost (v) [boost]
Forms: boosting, n
Definition: to increase; raise: to boost prices; to boost the horsepower of the car by 20 percent.
Sentence: Congress is gambling that the JCI findings will boost its political fortunes.
tourist attraction (n) [toor-ist uh-trak-shuhn]
Definition: a characteristic that attracts tourists
Sentence: Cambodia's biggest tourist attraction is its annual fish-fry and festival during the second weekend of May
conserve (v) [ kuhn-surv ]
Forms: conserve,n
Definition: to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of
Sentence: Energy is conserved in this process
ecological (v) [ ek-uh-loj-i-kuhl, ee-kuh- ]
Forms: ecology, n
Definition: characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment
Sentence: They also worry that the pipeline could cause an ecological disaster in case of a spill