Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the great dam vocabulary

Thrive (v) [ thrahyv ] 
Forms: thriving, adj 
Definition:to prosper; be fortunate or successful.
Sentence:  The Hoover dam thrive the little city.

boost (v) [boost]
Forms: boosting, n
Definition: to increase; raise: to boost prices; to boost the horsepower of the car by 20 percent.
Sentence:  Congress is gambling that the JCI findings will boost its political fortunes. 

tourist attraction (n) [toor-ist uh-trak-shuhn]
Definition: a characteristic that attracts tourists
Sentence:  Cambodia's biggest tourist attraction is its annual fish-fry and festival during the second weekend of May
conserve (v) [ kuhn-surv ]
Forms: conserve,n
Definition: to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of
Sentence:  Energy is conserved in this process 

ecological (v) [ ek-uh-loj-i-kuhl, ee-kuh- ]
Forms: ecology, n
Definition:  characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment
Sentence:  They also worry that the pipeline could cause an ecological disaster in case of a spill

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Government censorship

In some counties, governments censor their TV programs, broadcasts and internet strictly. For example in China,government setup three agencies to censor media. But in America, the FCC plays the roll in censorship of media only. Why such different way that government manipulate the media exist? Some people may say that a strict censorship will help to protect children from copy cat crime. Others may disagree with a strict censorship on media, because they think that over censoring the media violated the freedom spirit. As far as I am concerted censorship cast both positive and negative effect on society. So we should find out a proper way to balance them.
Before we start to solve this problem, we should know what causes the government to censor the media. As we all know some companies are willing to sacrifice ethical principle for audients rating, because violence programs, sexual speech and sensitive topics of politics, sometimes, are more attractive. Media that contain this elements may cast negative influence on children, adolescents and even adults. Children and teenagers are easily affected, because most of them do not from a complete value. In other words, they do not know what can be done and what can not. They act without a rational mind. What’s more, most of their activities are based on what they like. Is it a cool thing to do or if I do this am I look like a super hero?- A recent research in China shows that the copycat crime rate rose 68% in paste 10 years. It is in recent ten years, media in China developed a lot. So media affect teenagers a lot. It seems that in term of protecting younger age and in this serious circumstance, a strict censorship is badly required.